Sis. Sherin Varghese
Sunday School Director
Rebekah Chiramel
Sunday School Secretaryabout us
Sunday school is an important part of our ministry that focuses on teaching the Bible to our children. Our hope is to instill the Word of God in their hearts and minds that they may use the Word in every aspect of their Life. Bringing up the next generation is vital and we are here for it!
Ages 3-6
Teacher: Shobel Jiji
Class 02
Ages 7-8
Teacher: Pheba Mathew
Class 04
Ages 9-10
Teachers: Jeffy and Sherlin Ninan
Class 05
Ages 10-13
Teacher: Ginu Ashly
Class 06
Ages 12-14
Teacher: Ian Susan Bejoy
Class 09
Ages 14-15
Teacher: Joice Chitteth
Youth Class
Ages 16+
Teacher: Pr. Jeremiah Mathew
Anney Boney, Daisy George, Godley Jacob, Samson John, Anetta Ninan, Jency John, Jissa Varghese, and Joshua Mathew